Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie

Well, here is something I seem to fall for often: British people talking academically (in this case, about Agatha Christie—there's even some audio of an interview she gave in 1955). This one is almost exclusively about Murder on the Orient Express, a book which affords me the rare opportunity to say: I also saw the movie.

There's a lot of nostalgia for me with her, and I came back to another one a little later last year (The Body in the Library). It was a well-timed book, and you'll have to trust me when I say that I'm smiling even now thinking about how much I loved meeting Miss Marple and her wonderful mind. (Now there's someone I'd love to have a cup of tea with.)

This podcast was a lovely way to spend a crowded subway ride home. It was quite chilly on the walk back, and when I got back to my warm apartment, I placed my shoes by the door, poured myself a glass of wine, and turned the stove on for dinner—details I'm only conscious of because if there's any author who showed me how much they might matter, it's Agatha Christie.

A Wonderful Story About Brooks Robinson

A Wonderful Story About Brooks Robinson

Filling an Empty Heart

Filling an Empty Heart