The Paris Review!

The Paris Review!

Oh man! The Paris Review, at LAST, has a podcast! It's really a mash-up of so many wonderful things (ahem, PART OF A MAYA ANGELOU INTERVIEW WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED). There's some other readings on there as well: poetry, a great Denis Johnson short story, and one other essay about what it's like to dance by yourself.

This is shared more out of excitement than anything else. But I will say that any minute you can spend with Maya Angelou is one worth spending. Her voice, her beautiful relationship with English, her PLAYFULNESS, her happy friendship with sherry -- I smile when I hear her speak. In fact, she is the only author I prefer listening to (her audiobooks, my GOODNESS) and I can sort of picture myself now, an old man in a nicely worn chair, shuffling between Mets games on the radio and everything Maya Angelou -- two of the best sounds in the world.

All Things Esther Perel

All Things Esther Perel

Maira Kalman on the Things We Fall in Love With

Maira Kalman on the Things We Fall in Love With